Asians Seeking Understanding

Asians Seeking Understanding

We announced earlier in the year that my friend Daniel Ang and I launched our podcast Awkward Asian Theologians, which seeks to bring our respective specialisations of academic theology and parish renewal into discussion with each other, and do so with an asian twist.

The podcast’s pilot episode received very strong listener takeup, and our launch was kindly picked up in a story in The Catholic Weekly.

In our second episode, we will be taking our first of what I imagine will be many takes on our main focus, which is the broad theme of Theology. As the show notes put it the episode will:

…define what it is, what it is not, and what good it does to us intellectually, pastorally and spiritually. They also discuss why Catholics (Asian or otherwise) should care and reflect theologically in order to better engage with the reality, time and space in which they live, as well as deepen their relationship with Jesus.

As part of our elaboration on the blurb we focus on the posture and attitude that one ought to take in approaching the study of Theology, and why it is not a good idea to do theology on your own.

Episode two, entitled “Asians Seeking Understanding” is now out on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music. We hope you will enjoy listening to it as much as we did recording it.

Support Awkward Asian Theologian on Patreon, and help make a change to the theological web.

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