Sacraments with Feeling

Sacraments with Feeling

Last week, Daniel Ang (Sydney Centre for Evangelisation) and i did another round of recording for our podcast Awkward Asian Theologians.

Immediately after recording, we also dropped another shiny new episode.

This latest episode, entitled “This Time with Feeling: Sacraments”, is a bit of a second part to our previous episode on parishes. Daniel Ang of the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation took the lead in this episode, and we discussed the link between the Sacraments and evangelisation.

We also tackled a well worn, but pastorally disastrous, presumption that the sacraments as the all-encompassing vehicle for evangelisation. In addition, we also talked about how being a migrant, and having had differing experiences of the parish in the country of origin made a difference to, as well as complexified, the experience of the parish in one’s domicile.

You can listen to this episode of the podcast on Spotify, as well as on Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music.

We hope you enjoy this episode.

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